Game Model: Asset Complexity Guideline
This documentation explains the importance of defining smoothing groups as well as practically showing how careless unwrapping can increase vertex count in a model which will not be visible in a 3d application like Max or Maya. The model in this example is a simple pillar (below): Vertex count is more important for a mesh because of the simple fact that in any 3d application or game engine the mesh/model is displayed/ rendered based on the position of the vertices. No 3d application knows about a face or an edge but creates a face based on the corresponding vertices and their position. We cannot define vertex count for a mesh (especially for gaming model) because it depends on many things like smoothing groups, UV-Unwrap and multi-material. Moreover, the smallest face that can be rendered is a triangular face (Connecting 3 vertices), we prefer defining tri count for a model rather than vertex or face ...