
Showing posts from 2010

How To Pitch Your Game- dallman

I found this article at: by Dallman .    This is a superb article on how to approach a publisher for ur game concept.have a look! It was one year ago that GarageGames introduced the Affiliated Developer program . In that year as a producer I’ve reviewed countless video game pitches from good to awful. I am marking the one year occasion by guest authoring Jeff’s blog to offer broad tips that will help independent game developers successfully pitch themselves or their game to any publisher without boring the publisher or losing their interest. Batter up! Insider tip: “Zzzz” is not the sound of approval First, a quick reminder on what our own AD program is: “We are working with a few great developers to make games that are exclusive to GarageGames and that we help bring to market. We call this our Affiliated Developer partnership program.” - Jeff Tunnell in Sept 2006, coining the Affiliated Developer program ...

Game Model: Asset Complexity Guideline

This documentation explains the importance of defining smoothing groups as well as practically showing how careless unwrapping can increase vertex count in a model which will not be visible in a 3d application like Max or Maya. The model in this example is a simple pillar (below):  Vertex count is more important for a mesh because of the simple fact that in any 3d application or game engine the mesh/model is displayed/ rendered based on the position of the vertices.  No 3d application knows about a face or an edge but creates a face based on the corresponding vertices and their position.  We cannot define vertex count for a mesh (especially for gaming model) because it depends on many things like smoothing groups, UV-Unwrap and multi-material. Moreover, the smallest face that can be rendered is a triangular face (Connecting 3 vertices), we prefer defining tri count for a model rather than vertex or face ...

Texture Memory Table

Here are the two images that show the texture memory (in Kb) used when we convert or create an image in Dx1,3,5 format (with and without Mip-maps).

CGtantra Award Nomination

My Game Model got nominated(best 5) for CGtantra award for Best Game Model. Here is the link:

Game Engine Survey

This is one good article I read on Gamasutra (by Mark DeLoura ) which describes the changing trends in Game engine usage and acceptability.It presents few eye openers. The Game Engines Certainly there are quite a number of game engines one can license for a game. The ones that are relevant to any particular game vary based on targeted platforms and genre, as well as timeline and budget. For the purpose of this survey I ( Mark DeLoura ) focused on these commercial engines, primarily in the “core” market: Crytek’s CryENGINE Digital Extremes’ Evolution Engine Emergent Game Technologies’ Gamebryo Epic Games’ Unreal Engine Garage Games’ Torque Id Software’s idTech Terminal Reality’s Infernal Engine Trinigy’s Vision Unity Technologies’ Unity Valve Corporation’s Source Engine Vicious Cycle Software’s Vicious Engine There are many more engines available, including many open source engines. Some other notable engines not focused on...

Game Engine Overview

This slide is being created by gathering data from the internet ( and other sources.It provided inside story of what goes behind a game engine. Must for a new entrant in gaming industry. Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Game Engine Overview View more presentations from sharadmitra .

Gaming Process

This slide has been created, keeping in mind, upcoming artist who wants to know basics of 3D.Its is a must for artist who want to be technical artist and not just simple 3d artist. I have added images taken randomly from net and have no intention of cheating anyone or stealing anyone's artwork.I want to thank all the people whose artwork is in the content and appreciate their hard-work and support in making this presentation. Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Gaming Process View more presentations from sharadmitra .

Information Update

This is just to inform that I would start adding tutorials and information regarding Gaming Industry on this blog really soon.Keep coming back to this blog for more information and update.